martes, 21 de abril de 2020

UNIT 2: THINK GREEN LESSON 1: In Context: My Ecological Footprint (GRADE 8)

Estimados estudiantes, esperamos que para enfrentar situaciones como esta crisis ocasionada por la actual pandemia, la pasen de la mejor manera junto con sus familias. La realidad ha tenido un cambio y tenemos que afrontarla exitosamente, ya que como especie humana ya hemos enfrentado cientos de desafios similares a lo largo de la historia y se ha tenido éxito, así que mucho ánimo.
Paso a presentarle la guía taller de la asignatura de inglés para ser desarrollada durante los próximos días.
La diferentes temáticas de este material corresponden un repaso del los últimos temas vistos en clase durante el mes de marzo del 2020. Se requiere que tengas a la mano el uso del diccionario inglés español y que hagas uso de la información consignada en el cuaderno previamente.
De manera opcional podrás encontrar este taller con sus respectivos audios en mi blog llamado EL BLOG DE FERNANDO CÁRDENAS
Estaré presto a brindar asesoría en tal caso que tengas alguna duda con respecto al trabajo presentado.

Recognizes specific information in short oral and written texts on topics of general interest.
Reconocer información específica en textos cortos escritos sobre temas de interés general.

Identificar información general y específica en un corto texto acerca de las eco huellas usando un lenguage escrito simple.
Identify general and specific information in a short text about ecological footprints written in simple language.

INDICADORES DE DESEMPEÑO: Al finalizar esta guía taller con todas sus actividades serás capaz de: 
  • Identificar las eco huellas en el ambiente
  • Describir las acciones positivas y negativas sobre el ambiente.
  • Pedir y dar información usando las diferentes combinaciones HOW (cómo, cuán, que tan) por ejemplo: how big, how often, how many, how much, how old, how interesting, how important….

Cosas negativas para el medio ambiente; imapacto ambiental; acciones humanas
Negative things for the environment; Environmental impact; Human actions

Lea todo el documento y tenga presente el cronograma dado, este trabajo no es para hacerlo de manera apresurada, tómese su tiempo, use el diccionario, comuniquese con el docente si tiene alguna duda vía correo electrónico o whats app, dependiendo de sus posibilidades.
Si no tiene la posibilidad de escuchar los audios, puede reemplazarlo por la lectura de los scripts dados en esta misma guía.
1. Lea atentamente dos o tres veces el nuevo vocabulario.
2. Práctica la pronunciación de cada palabra en inglés.
3. Leer cada lectura en inglés.
4. Seleccionar más palabras desconocidas o cuyo significado no recuerdes.
5. Escribe en tu cuaderno inglés el nuevo vocabulario
6. Consigna en tu cuaderno de inglés las lecturas y cada ejercicio de cada lectura en su respectivo orden.
7. Responde las preguntas que determinan el nivel de comprensión de lectura.
8. En el ejercicio 1, leer a Miguel hablando de las huellas ecológica y emparejas cada pregunta determinada por una letra, con su respectiva respuesta que precedida por los paréntesis.
9. En el ejercicio 2, escuchar el audio script 8, en la tabla encontrará unas acciones, escribe quién realiza cada acción dentro de ese diálogo.
10. En la apropiación, estudie muy a consciencia las recomendaciones gramaticales sobre las innumerables combinaciones de HOW para preguntar y obtener información en ingles.
11. En la transferencia, ejercicio A, lea y seleccione las respuestas que apliquen teniendo en cuenta su propia información
12. En la transferencia, ejercicio B, responda usando su propia información para dar las respuestas.
13. En la evaluación, desarrolle de la ficha del Workbook; en el primer ejercicio haga el emparejamiento oraciones con las imágenes; en el ejercicio dos, clasifique cada actividad como reusar, reciclar o reducir; finalmente, escriba tres actividades destinadas para reducir, reciclar o reusar con la finalidad de cuidad el medio ambiente.
LESSON 1: In Context: My Ecological Footprint

» I can request information about human actions.
» I can make suggestions to improve practices.
» I can describe how to do something.
1. REFLECTION: New vocabulary:
Interviewer [in′tər vyo̅o̅′ər] entrevistador // footprint [fʊtˌprɪnt] huella, impacto, pisada // measure [ˈmɛʒɚ] medida // behave [bɪˈheɪv] comportarse // how much [how mʌtʃ] cuánto // around [əˈraʊnd] alrededor de // throw away [θroʊ əˈweɪ] botar, tirar // recover [ri kuv′ər] recuperar // garden [gɑrdən] jardín // grow [groʊ] crecer, cultivar // town [taʊn] pueblo o ciudad pequeña // weekend [ˈwiːkɛnd] fin de semana // mostly [moʊstli] sobre todo, más que nada, en su mayoría // buy [baɪ] comprar // appliance [əˈplaɪəns] electrodoméstico // fridge [frɪdʒ] nevera, refrigerador, hielera // far [fɑr] lejos // longer [lɒŋgər] más lejos // too much [tuː mʌtʃ] demasiado // takeway [ˈteɪkəweɪ] restaurante de comida para llevar // packaged [ˈpækɪdʒd] empacado // frozen [froʊzən] congelado // rubbish [rʌbɪʃ] basura

2. CONTEXTUALIZATION: Read the following lectures and answer the questions about every conversation. Then, wirte them in your English notebook.

Audio Script 7
Interviewer: ¿So, ¿Miguel, what is an ecological footprint?
Miguel: Well, basically, it’s a measure of how much of the environment we use to support our lifestyle.
Interviewer: ¿And what exactly does it measure?
Miguel: It measures how much we consume in every aspect of our lifestyles. So, how much water and energy we use, how much food we eat, how we use transportation to move around, where we live, the
possessions we have ... how much of these things we consume and throw away.
Interviewer: ¿So how can we reduce our footprint?
Miguel: We can reduce our footprint by reducing consumption and making changes in our lifestyles.
If we all do some simple things, it will give the planet the time it needs to recover the resources we use. If we consume only what is necessary and behave more
responsibly, we will help the environment.

Read to Miguel talking about ecological footprints. Match the answers with the questions.
a. What does an eco-footprint represent?
b. What does it measure?
c. How can we reduce our eco-footprint?
( ) 1. It measures how much we consume.
( ) 2. We can reduce our footprint by changing our lifestyles.
( ) 3. It represents how much of the environment we use to support our lifestyles.
Audio Script 8
Interviewer: ¿Can I ask you some questions about your lifestyles? Let’s start with you, Rocío. Where do you live?
Rocío: I live near a small town about two kilometres from Cucuta.
Interviewer: How big is your house?
Rocío: Well, I live in a small house, but we have a big garden and we grow our own food – vegetables
and fruit.
Interviewer: ¿So how often do you go shopping?
Rocío: My mum goes to town at weekends to get more food. But mostly we buy food in the local market.
Interviewer: Let’s talk about energy. What do you do to save energy?
Rocío: Well, we don’t have many appliances. We have a solar panel for the fridge, the computer and our mobile phones. And hot water too.
Interviewer: Great! OK, let’s talk about transportation. How do you get to school?
Rocío: Well, we ride our bikes or we walk. The school’s not far.
Interviewer: How long does it take?
Rocío: By bike it takes ten minutes. It takes longer to walk, of course.
Interviewer: How do you feel about your lifestyle?
Rocío: I love it. It’s relaxing. I love nature and it’s good to know that I’m not producing too much rubbish and I’m not consuming a lot. I think people who live in cities consume a lot of unnecessary things.
Interviewer: Well, congratulations! You’re a good example to a lot of people. Now ... this is Tommy, who lives in a big city, Cali. Hi, Tommy.
Tommy: Hello.
Interviewer: Tommy, do you live in a house or in an apartment?
Tommy: I live in an apartment in the city centre.
Interviewer: How big is the apartment?
Tommy: It’s a small apartment. It’s just me and my father.
Interviewer: How often do you go shopping for food?
Tommy: Well, my father doesn’t cook, so we usually get takeaway food or we buy packaged frozen food.
Yeah, I know it produces a lot of rubbish
Interviewer: Do you have a lot of appliances at home?
Tommy: Well, the normal things: fridge, TVs, microwave, sound system, video game consoles, computers, dishwasher, dryer ... yeah, a lot.
Interviewer: And what do you do to save energy?
Tommy: Well, we turn off the lights and all the appliances when they’re not in use.
Interviewer: Good! And how do you get to school?
Tommy: I walk to school. It’s healthy.
Interviewer: One last question,
Tommy: how do you feel about your ecological footprint?
Tommy: Well, I try to be eco-friendly, but I know I need to change some things.

A. Read and listen to Tommy and Rocío talking about their lifestyles. Complete the chart with the correct name.

Eco-friendly actions
grows her own food

buys packaged food

has a lot of appliances

has a solar panel

turns off the lights when not in use

rides a bike to school

B. In your English notebook, answer the following questions according to Rocio and Tommy’s conversation:

  1. Where does Rocio live?
  2. What do Rocio and her family have?
  3. How often does Rocio’s mum go shopping?
  4. How do Rocio and her family do to save energy?
  5. How does Rocio and her family get to school?
  6. How long do Rocio and her family take to get to school?
  7. How does Rocio feel about her lifestyle?
  8. Where does Tommy live?
  9. How big is Tommy’s apartment?
  10. What appliances does Tommy have at home?
  11. What does tommy do to save energy?
  12. How does Tommy get to school?
  13. How does Tommy feel about his ecological footprint?
The Fantastic Three Rs

It’s time to start reducing your eco-footprint. You can do it by following the three Rs: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.

a. When you reduce, you use only what you need. Start by reducing the things you don’t really need. So, stop buying on impulse. When you are shopping, try to buy food from local markets so you reduce the amount of packaging you use (you get more packaging from supermarkets). At home, you can reduce your consumption of water by taking shorter showers or recycling the water from the washing machine to flush the toilet.

b. When you recycle, you can make new products. There are a lot of materials that you can recycle if they’re in good condition. It’s a good idea to use plastic bottles as plant pots. You can use waste paper for your art projects. And don’t forget to use the paper on both sides. To recycle, you just need some creativity.

c. There are a lot of things we can reuse. Stop buying a bottle of water every day. You can refill it from the tap in some cities and use it many times. Stop throwing away bags and clothes. Reuse the bags you have at home and give the clothes to other people. You can reuse things more than once.

Write and read “The Fantastic Three Rs” lecture, then, match the ‘R’ action with an example.

a. Camila is wearing her cousin’s old jacket. (_____)
b. Pablo stopped buying magazines and books he never reads. (____)
c. Jorge uses old plastic bottles to plant flowers and vegetables. (____)
1. reducing
2. recycling
3. reusing
3. APPROPRIATION: Read and write the following grammar recommendations:
Grammar Box 1: How questions
En inglés, puedes usar HOW combinado con una enorme variedad de verbos, adverbios y adjetivos para preguntar por una variada información. Veamos algunas de las maneras más usadas y sus respectivos ejemplos con respuesta:

Asking about frequency:
How often do you play football? I play football every day.
¿cuán a menudo juegas balón pie? Yo juego balón pie todos los días
Asking about quantity:
How much sugar do you need? I need a little bit
¿Cuánta azúcar usted necesita? Necesito un poquito
How many cats do you have? I have just one
¿Cuántos gatos usted tiene? Tengo sólo uno
Asking about size:
How big is your house? My house is enormous
¿Cuán grande es tu casa? Mi casa es enorme
Asking about importance:
How important are your friends? They are very important for me
¿Cuán importante son tus amigos? Ellos son muy importantes para mí.
Asking for tall:
How tall are you? I’m one meter eighty
¿Cuánto mides? Yo soy un metro ochenta (yo mido)
Asking for age:
How old are you? I’m 30 years old
¿qué edad tienes? Yo tengo 30 años
Asking for duration:
How long is the song?It’s six minutes long.
¿cuánto dura la canción? Seis minutos
Asking for interest
How interesting is that book? It’s very interesting!
¿cuán interesante es el libro? Es muy interesante
Asking for physical or mental conditions
How tired are you? I’m so tired
Cuán cansado estás? Estoy muy cansado
How hungry are you? I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.
¿Cuán hambriento estás? Estoy muy hambriento, podría comerme un caballo
Asking for prices
How expensive is that wine? Not very expensive. I think it’s only four euros a bottle.
¿Qué tan caro es ese vino? No muy caro, pienso es sólo 4 euros una botella
Asking for tempreture:
How cold is it in your hometown? Very cold. It snows a lot in winter.
¿Qué tan cálido es su pueblo? Muy frío. Nieva en invierno
How hot is it in Cartagena? It’s very hot. It’s more than 30 degrees a lot of the time in summer.
Cuán caliente es Cartagena? Es muy caliente, es más de 30º, mucho tiempo en verano
Y así sucesivamente…

A. Read the questions and select the correct answer according to your own information:
How big is your eco-footprint?
1. How do you get to school?
a. by bicycle
b. by bus
c. by car
2. How do you travel short distances?
a. on foot/by bike
b. by bus
c. by car
3. How often do you turn off the lights when you leave a room?
a. I always turn off the lights when I leave a room. I also turn off appliances when they are not in use.
b. I often turn off the lights when I leave a room.
c. I sometimes turn off the lights when I leave a room. I often forget.
4. How much water do you save?
a. I take short showers and turn off the tap when I brush my teeth.
b. I use a glass when I brush my teeth.
c. My shower is only 15 minutes.
5. How big is your house?
a. It’s big enough for the family.
b. It’s a big house with a garden and extra rooms.
c. It’s a very big house with a garden, a garage and a lot of rooms.
6. What do you do with clothes, books and magazines you don’t use any more?
a. I give them away to charity.
b. I pile them up in my bedroom.
c. I throw them away.
7. How does your family manage waste at home?
a. We use organic waste for composting, recycle some materials and reuse plastic bags.
b. We reuse plastic bags and bottles.
c. We put all our waste in one bag.
8. What do you do with old or damaged appliances, or electronic waste?
a. I take it to authorized e-waste recyclers.
b. I put it in the attic.
c. I put it in the rubbish bin.

Develop page 7 activities from the Workbook
Ministerio de Educación Nacional (2016). Way to go! 7th Grade. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia.  Impresión disponible en línea a través de la página: